Happy New Year and Welcome to 2019!
Around the holidays can be tough for a paddle boarder living in the north, but, if you are resourceful and committed you can still get some. The snow keeps on dumping, the lakes are still frozen and my unwavering love of the sport makes me look at ways to supplement my fix. Alas, in Whistler I am limited to the River of Golden Dreams for the most part in Tiny Town this time of year. I could go north to the Pemberton rivers or Lilloeet Lake for some fun paddling. I do find them sketchy without a partner so I have to trek my board and butt down to Squamish and the Howe Sound.
I love Howe Sound and the waters there. They are some of the most awesome, knarly, beautiful waters I have ever paddled. The change of pace is nice and works great as a training playground for me. I have paddled around most of the islands and even done a solo paddle from Vancouver to Squamish twice. I feel comfortable to the point that at any given time mah nature can capsize me whenever she wants. Something to think about If you are going to paddle in the winter that is. As far as gear is concerned for paddling in winter I think the single most important gear is a dry suit! You might ask, “What about a leash, or a cell phone, or a pfd?” Well, those are all requirements when paddling in my opinion. Unless of course you are just cruising around your local lake then a leash is great. I would also mention that if you are not a good swimmer to always wear a pfd and a leash! I find it paramount that we tell someone our route and eta. As always, safety first. Have a great day and hope everyone is safe and having fun.
Arne Gutmann