Its early December in your local mountain town and the snow is beginning to fall. There is excitement in the air and the feeling is palpable. Everyone is walking around with skis and boards with no bindings but smiles on their faces awaiting the snow like victorious warriors after a black friday sale. Content but gnawing at the bit to test their new purchases.
Instead of waxing my new acquisition or tuning my gear I dawn my drysuit, grab my paddle and strap my sup to my car for some winter paddling!! Yup, you heard that right! Winter paddling. It is a thing, just like snowboarding or skiing in the summer, albeit it is a little cold on the board right about now. Stand Up Paddle Boarding is my jam and I do it year round. Weather be dammed! One might ask why would you paddle in the middle of winter at the start of the season? Well, as a boarder or skier might get pangs to do their sport in the middle of summer, paddle boarding can be done year round. With some minor gear tweaks and I have to do it if I can.
We are very lucky in Whistler to have great fresh water lakes and rivers, some, never freezing, like the glorious River of Golden Dreams. Once all the lakes freeze I am regulated to the river were I constantly make peoples heads turn as the see me glide by walking their dogs near or around Meadow Park. I relish their awes and smile and wave back.
But what drives one to paddle when the meter is in double negative digits? The same as anyone who is passionate about the sport they like to participate in. It is the age old adage, do what you do and don’t care about anything else! Whistler is one of the coolest places to live in on earth and we are very lucky to enjoy its many splendours, no matter what time of year. Bottom line, summer, winter, whatever, do what you love and take a deep breath and enjoy the surroundings and get out there!
Have a great day.
Arne Gutmann